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Project Management Basics

Project Management Concepts

Software Project Management Activities

Software Project Management Activities span the entire life of the software product, and hence is the primary concern of software engineering. It begins with the initial problem identification and finally ends when the software is retired.

Steps involved in Project Management

  • the objective and scope of work to be done
  • the risks to be involved
  • the resources to be required
  • the effort or cost to be expended and 
  • the schedule to be followed 

The objectives identify the overall goals of the project, and the scope identifies the primary functions that the software is to accomplish and attempts to specify the bounds to each of the software functions.


Risk analysis is critical to Software Project Management. Risk analysis is actually a series of risk management steps that enable us to tackle risk:
  1. Risk identification
  2. Risk Assessment
  3. Risk Prioritization
  4. Risk Management strategies
  5. Risk Resolution
  6. Risk Monitoring


The resources can be categorized as :
  • People
  • hardware and software


Software project planning requires the estimation of human effort usually in person months,chronological project duration in calendar month and cost in rupees /dollars must be derived.
Estimation tools have the following in common:
  • Scope of the project must be established in advance.
  • Software metrics i.e past measurements are used as basis for new estimates.
  • Software project is broken into components or tasks which are then estimated individually.

Scheduling Tracking and Control

A set of project tasks is identified  and inter dependencies among them is established.The effort required for each task is estimated.People and other resources  are assigned.

Software Project Metrics

This can be categorized as:
  1. Productivity Metrics- focus on the output of the software engineering process
  2. Quality Metrics- provide indication on how closely software conforms to implicit and explicit customer requirement
  3. Technical Metrics- focus on the inherent attributes of the software ,such as logical complexity degree of modularity etc
  4. Size oriented metrics- provide indication on direct measures of software engineering output and quality
  5. Function oriented metrics-provide indication on indirect measures of software 


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