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Showing posts from May, 2015

Feasibility Study of Projects Outline

Among the most important information contained in a feasibility study is cost-benefit analysis- an assessment of economic justification for a computer based system project. Introduction Statement of the Problem Implementation Environment Constraints Management Summary and Recommendations  Important Findings Comments Recommendations Impact Alternatives Alternative System Configurations Criteria used in selecting the final approach System Description Abbreviated statement of scope Feasibility of allocated elements Cost Benefit Analysis Evaluation of Technical Risk Legal Ramification Other Project Specific Topics

Information Systems Costs

Procurement Costs Consulting costs Actual equipment purchase or lease costs Equipment installation costs Costs for modifying the equipment site ( air conditioning , security etc) Cost of Capital Cost of Management  and staff dealing with procurement Start up Costs Cost of operating system software Cost of communication equipment installation ( telephone lines, data lines etc) Cost of start up personnel Cost of personnel searches and hiring activities Cost of disruption to the rest of organization Cost of management required to direct start up activity  Project Related Costs Cost of application software purchased Cost of software modifications to fit local systems Cost of personnel, overhead etc from in house application development Cost for training user personnel in application use Cost of data collection and installation data collection procedures Cost of preparing documentation Cost of development management On going Costs System maintenance